27 June 2008

i'm sure i'm boring you to death...

But I just really wanted to boast about what I just made!

Yes, there is only one, and my son has claimed it for a stuffed animal (thus the already stretching cuff)...with a promise from me to make the match. The goal was to see if I could follow the pattern, and I did! I'll probably make some for a few new or expected babies in my life, once I find a better yarn for the softness factor.


Laurel said...

Do you know if they'll actually stay on? I have tried at least 3 different knitting patterns for booties and none stay on well :( Maybe I'll have to learn to crochet if you found a good pattern with crocheting.

Our Love Story said...

Wow! You are really doing good with crocheting! I have known how for several years, but only plain straight old double crochets. You make me want to learn new things!

~cjoy said...

Laurel, you have me wondering. Perhaps I'll make some in Baby J's size just to try it out. I'll let you know!

Amber, thanks...I am completely in love with this new interest. I cannot get enough of it. I need to email you this week...sorry I'm so slow

~cjoy said...

Oh, Laurel, I meant to tell you that my mom says ribbons are for keeping them on. :)

Laurel said...

I was inspired by you and started a new pattern (for knitting) baby bootees that does include a ribbon. I will post a pic when they're done and let you know if they actually stay on. Except I don't know any newborn babies right now. Well, I'll have a new nephew in september so I guess I will have to wait until then to try 'em out.

Carbon said...

These are very cute. You are very talented!

Oxy had some when she was younger and they had a ribbon on them too. I wasn't totally found of tying the ribbon though. Maybe a ribbon with velcro on the ends?