15 July 2008

it's monday when . . .

. . . you need coffee so desparately (because you were up every hour with a random array of the three little people in your house) that you forget to put the pot in place before hitting the start button. A few minutes later I thought to myself that the drip had never been so loud, nor taken so long to get started. I checked, and was horrified to see it pouring coffee straight onto the hot pad which of course spilled all over my counter. And it was a steady stream, not a drip! I put the pot under it, only to realize that pushed more off the pad. So I moved the pot back to the counter and turned the whole thing off. But a moment later noticed it was still pouring coffee, so put the pot back.
I'm telling you--I was really not awake yet. I couldn't figure out why there were grounds everywhere, either. As I drove where we had to go, I realized that since the pot was not in place, the water had backed up in the filter area, and it finally was so full it was overflowing inside the pot and through the spout--thus the grounds that were floating and the lack of "drip" as it came out.
You can see the soaked paper towels behind the coffee maker. Each item I picked up, especially the cofee maker, simply held a reservoir of more spilled coffee. I didn't actually have time to clean it all until I got home later on, and you can see I'd already wiped a good bit of the spill before I thought to take a picture for evidence.
Thankfully, I was only making half a pot of coffee, not a full one!


Donnetta said...

AARGH! I cringe when days start out like that! Hope the rest of the day went much better!!

Samantha Caffee said...

I have had that happen to me before too. LOL! Good excuse to clean my nasty counters!

Carbon said...

Oh the precious coffee. Makes me think of this coffee commercial when they spill some on an expensive rug and then the guy is wringing the coffee out of the rug only to save the coffee to continue drinking it, no care to save the rug. Haha.

AfricaBleu said...

When your day starts like that, it is a pretty good indication that you'd better just hop back into bed. If only, eh?

By the way, LOVE the quirky coffee cup.

Our Love Story said...

Oh my! I HATE liquid messes...pots of soup thst boiled over, etc... Liquid finds its way into so many crevices! Hope you are surviving summer! :-)

by the way...I hope you got my response to your email. I had saved it as a draft and sent it later when I could finish. Hope it went through!